Tags: waterproofing in islamabad



Wаterрrооfing serviсes аim tо рrоvide а соmрlete соаting аnd treаtment sоlutiоn tо mаke yоur wаlls аnd rооf wаter-resistаnt. This рrосedure helрs hоmeоwners tо get seсure frоm unрreсedented leаkаge аnd seeраge. Рlus thrоugh рrосuring рrоduсts аnd serviсes frоm а foundation waterproofing in Lahore. The соmраny will nоt just treаt yоur fоundаtiоn with the сhemiсаl аррliсаtiоn. But, […]

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Waterproofing in Islamabad

Waterproofing in Islamabad

If you are having leakage and seepage at your roof is the worse, and it has to be dealt with at the earliest, either it’s domestic or office. Unicorn Chemical offerings offer our offerings which include roof waterproofing in Islamabad that does the job simply right. Our experienced people are equipped with the vital skill […]

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Waterproofing in Pakistan

Waterproofing in Pakistan

It’s been observed that limitless instances that the Roof cannot withstand water spills for an extended time. When it happens, the water remains there both it evaporates due to excessive temperature, or the Roof absorbs the water into itself. The technique of absorption takes area. Waterproofing products in pakistan use to stay away water. Water […]

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Importance of waterproofing

In construction of buildings waterproofing is considered an essential step and fundamental requirement which need to be fulfilled during construction of a building or a house. In modern era buildings are made waterproof using bitumen membrane sheets and protective waterproofing coatings. The problem of leakage and seepage is commonly observed issue by residents of building […]

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Damp Proof Course

Damp proof course is a process to control moisture. In this process a chemical is applied on the walls and floors to prevent water or moisture enter from the internal areas. Seepage on walls and building become the frequent problem nowadays. DPC is generally applied on basement areas because at basement the entrance of moisture […]

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