Internal Wall Insulation Methods

Internal Wall Insulation Methods

Wall insulation process is become essential part of construction of buildings. This need is recognized by people when weather is felt unbearable. In order to make room temperature favorable different air conditioned appliances are used but results costly. Internal wall insulation provides the best result to make the room temperature favorable and bearable in lower budget. There are different methods of wall insulation used in Pakistan. Internal wall insulation makes air tightness panels and it is the basic feature of this insulation. Air tightness panels help to maintain room temperature. This insulation has great benefits for solid walls. The important aspect of internal wall insulation is to prevent the air for entering in building.

Following products are used for the purpose of internal wall insulation

  • Vacuum Insulated Panels
  • Aerogel
  • Phenolic Foam
  • Polyurethane
  • Polyisocyanurate
  • Expanded Polystyrene

Vacuum insulated panel

In this method vacuum panels are installed inside the wall, an expensive process during manufacturing of wall. This thermal conductivity of this product is considered top value in the performance of this material. This method is normally applied in warm areas.


The more advanced product used in wall insulation is Aerogel. It is comparatively expensive than other products used for the purpose of insulation. Normally this material is used to cover window reveals and other opening points inside a building so that the warm air can’t enter the home easily.

Phenolic Form

This insulation material is used for both internal and external wall insulation. The prominent advantage of this material is its cheaper value. It is also have fire resistant quality.


This insulation material can be applied by using spray gun and can also be applied in form of solid panel. It is insulated for internal and external wall. Polyurethane is the most commonly used insulation material in Pakistan. It is used providentially, commercially and industrially. This material is applied with fire resistant chemicals in order to make it safe to use.


Mostly products used for internal wall insulation are not fire resistant, different chemicals are used to make it fire resistant but this insulation material have its own fire resistant quality so there is no need to make it fire resistant which makes it less expensive.

Expanded Polystyrene

This material is normally used for external wall insulation but it can also be used for internal wall insulation. This material helps the wall to make it secure and protected from heat and dry weather. A chemical is used to make it fire resistant.

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